
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Running in the Rain

As some of you know, I'll be running the Rock & Roll Half Marathon this year in June. There are many reasons to be excited about this. I shall list them for you:

1. It's my 2nd half marathon, so - in theory- I already know that I can finish (I just knocked on wood so I wouldn't jinx myself)!
2. I am running it with Team Jiffy & Janine (if you think of a better team name or would like to join the team let me know!)
3. My dad signed up as well!
4. There is music at every mile!
5. Now that training has begun, I get to bribe myself with Lululemon gear!

Pretty exciting right?

Anyway, this past Sunday was the first of many "Sunday Runday Fundays" (jiff and I made that up ourselves.)
Although it was raining cats and dogs, we were well prepared. I had called my running mentor, Annie to see what she suggested for very rainy runs and she gave good tips:

Annie's Rainy-Day Running Tips

No Cotton!

Wear Fleece or Wool- this way you will stay warm, even when wet.

Have fun with it - she is always good for a nice pep talk.

We dressed accordingly and started the run with a smile on. Both Jif and I enjoyed running in the rain, but my Smartwool running socks that I had been so sure of ended up giving me a blister after getting wet. Next time I will try my thin lulu socks instead.

The other lesson we learned is this. Just because it is raining heavily, does not mean you will be cold. We mistook rain for cold and both dressed too heavily.

We did discover one very important Rain-run necessity though - post run Pho with a side of Mac & Jacks. So delish!

All in all, it was a good 5 miles. The run felt way longer than that, but it may or may not have been due to the wine we drank the night before.

This next Sunday will be a bit of a jump for us as we are running a 12K Christmas race. 7.5 miles to be exact. It's a bit daunting after the tough 5 we did this past week, but my guess is that there won't be wine drinking the night before. Plus, organized races are always more motivating!

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