Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Heel Me
Sick of self-myofascial release with the foam roller, and want someone else to do it for you?
Or are you just a fad-loving fool like me who has a new obsession every week?
Have I got the answer for you!!
Chinese-Style Reflexology Foot Massage joints have been popping up all over the place recently and I, for one, am a HUGE fan.
Although, it is honestly not just a foot massage; it's much more comparable to a full body massage that just happens to spend some extra time on those little gems that we use to walk/run/skip.
A little idea of what to expect:
Starting on your face and neck, they then move on to arms and hands - which are probably tired from that darn keyboard at work. Moving on to your legs and ending with the back, you can see why I classify it as a full body massage.
Seriously, so good.
Now, a couple need to knows.
1. It hurts so good.
As most deep tissue massage and attention to scar tissue does.
I'd say 80% of the reflexology is enjoyable. The other 20 hurts but I am completely convinced that it's helping my body, if not performing minor miracles.
2. There will be weirdness.
Please leave your modest intentions at the door. If you do not, they will be taken away the moment the guy sticks a finger in your ear; there's something pretty invasive about that kind of thing. Don't worry though, you will be rewarded for this.
3. Cost is around $25 -
This is an estimate based on our favorite spot in Kirkland.
It is a steal.
I really can't say enough about this experience, especially if you have some tight spots that stretching and rolling just don't seem to be fixing.
Oh, and let me know if you try it - I want to hear stories!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friday Favorites
Because I am a very random person, and this is a very random blog, why stop the "random" theme right?
These are 5 things that I am either coveting or loving right now. As in today.
I have mentioned this tasty little snack on here before, but I would just like to re-iterate how much I love them. I am a little ashamed to say that yesterday I consumed three packs throughout the day. Now, this is not a good thing. Even though each pack is only 30 calories, which is nothing really, I admit to having a problem with eating too much of a good thing.. I mean I just didn't need three packs.. but we're working on that, so don't judge.
2.I have been a Kombucha fan for quite some time, but have found that these little gems above are a yummy alternative. I'll have to do more research, but I don't believe that they're quite as nutritional as the true Kombucha, but they taste delicious! My favorites are the Coconut and Coconut/Mango. I obviously have a thing for that large and beautiful white nut. Yum!
I should have maybe looked for a better picture of this ring, so you could really see the magnitude of it's awesomeness, but this is it for now. It's a double chain ring by Made Her Think, one of the most inventive jewelers I've ever seen. Both the rings fit on the same finger, one at the usual ring spot, the other above the knuckle. It looks sooo flipping pretty. So delicate, but bad a** at the same time. I have been hinting to the hubs for a while now, but MHT jewelry is no joke on the wallet. Very pricey.

I am definitely not the only one out there who relies on Larabars for a snack at least a couple times a week. It's so cool to me that there's only around 3 ingredients in each bar. My absolute favorite is Cookie Dough because it seriously tastes like it to me. There is nothing better than feeling like you're indulging when you're still being healthy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Mid-Day Fasion Break
I've been more than a little "into" this dress I saw on Christina Ricci for a while now, and I am SOOO excited for Zac Posen's Spring 2011 Collection to start popping up on other stars.

Any other trends that anyone is in love with right now?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A Few of My Favorite Eats
My Valentine is in Germany right now so Bella and I are celebrating our human mother/puppy daughter love. Does that sound weird? Whatever, I love her and we are celebrating. Carrots for her, "chocolate" oatmeal for me.
Speaking of which...
I've been a little bit of a rut lately with my eats. It's pretty annoying, but too much of a good thing is still too much :( I need to make a change and add some more variety, but before I do, I thought I'd share a few pics of the foods that have been making me so happy...
First up is my absolute favorite nut butter. I've had a couple friends and fam ask me what the heck I'm talking about so here it is my lovelies.
I use about equal parts of each: raw almonds, unsweetened coconut and unsweetened carob chips. They sell sweetened ones, but trust me, they're sweet enough as it is.
Then just process for a very long time..
Until it looks a little like this!
I should warn you - this is very addicting. Serious. In fact, after my Valentine's treat tonight, I am detoxing from it for a week. Maybe.
Next up is my fave snack, Kale Chips. Well, let me rephrase. My favorite snack ever is Mexican Restaurant tortilla chips, but because my waistline won't let me eat those every day, these are actually a great compromise. Besides, salads get boring and this is a great way to get my greens in. And last but not least, granola. Mmmm so good. With Greek yogurt, yum; on top of oatmeal, so yum. Granola is just darn tasty and I love it.
Here are just a few pics to show how simple it is to bake up some granola goodness. I don't really have a specific recipe that I use, but each time I bake it, I'll just google something like "simple granola" then cut down on the honey, and up cinnamon. Another good spice to use? Pumpkin pie spice - great for more of a dessert granola.
A little into my rolled oats - more if you really want that sweet crunch.
I am hoping that writing this little post will help me mourn the loss of nut butters and oats for a week or so, while I try my best to start incorporating other foods again because, although I know it's not good to eat oats and butters for breakfast and dinner, I kinda sorta have been and it needs to stop!