Tonight, as I was leaving the gym, I ran into a friend of mine. I had no clue that she belonged to the same gym but was immediately excited by the prospect of a new workout buddy. I love workout buddies. Someone you know will be waiting for you at class, someone to motivate you just a little bit more to go for that run & someone to grab a wine or coffee with afterward; usually wine.
While I was explaining my said excitement to this friend of mine I realized that I have way more of a workout schedule than I ever realized. If a person were to ask me what my exercise routine is like I would simply say that I try to workout at least 5 days a week. Now though, it's come to my attention that I could actually describe each and every class and my reasons for choosing them in that order, to anyone who asks me that same question. I only realized this after my friend asked which classes I usually attended.. I guess she opened the flood gates because before you knew it was 8ish minutes later and I had gone through my whole schedule - way more info that she was looking for, I'm sure.
There is really no point to this story other than this: last night I received a slap in the face from reality, letting me know that this is something I'm truly passionate about.. I mean I just can't stop talking nutrition/exercise once someone gets me started. I really need to get my act together and search for some other outlet besides my poor friends who have to listen to my ramblings way too often. I was once asked by a gym instructor for step if I would be interested in teaching and I had said "no" without a second thought.. whether people believe this about me or not, I am super shy. The idea of standing in front of a class trying to motivate them while being witty scares the heck out of me. The threat of butterflies that may or may not cause me to completely mess up scare me even more.. it just wasn't something I was interested in.
Now though, I am giving it more thought. I feel that a class like Body Pump could be a great way to start. I've noticed that most of the talking the instructor does is to explain the next exercise, along with the importance of proper form. I think I could do that! No need to be funny or witty, just talk about exactly what we're doing and why. A good place to start, no?
Anywho, this is my goal.. I think. At least for this week. I'm going to be looking into what/how/cost of becoming certified and I'll let ya know what happens.
Also, I'm going to put together a workout schedule page; I've seen it on my other favorite healthy living blogs and I think it's a fantastic way to stay motivated and committed to my workouts.
For instance, every Tuesday I commit to two hours in the gym. Body Pump followed by Spin. It kills. 10 minutes into Spin I am already looking at the clock, hoping for the torture to be over. However... I love that these two hours are all mine. I love feeling strong and healthy afterward & I never make other Tuesday plans; I have a standing commitment with myself.
If I could, I would probably schedule out my whole year in advance. "Oh, June 10th? Sure I have that free - let's plan on coffee". No one else I know seems to love this idea though, so for now I have my workout schedule - clean & neat - all kept up in my head.. and soon to be on this blog.
Do you guys have any standing appointments with yourself??
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Sickie McSickerson
After a bright, sunny day at work, I was ants-in-my-pants excited to come home & run with Jif. The little 4 mile loop around our condo is perfect for an after work run. Hilly, but familiar, it's ideal for a social run. She and I had even started emailing about how excited we were during work.. it was pretty exciting.
The moment... I repeat - moment, I arrived home, it started to rain. And not just normal Seattle rain, where I would happily jump into my rain gear & head out....
usual running in the rain get-up
so flattering, I know.
Oh, you couldn't tell how good I look?? How about now...
pure fashion.
no.. this was not just a sprinkle.. it was pouring! Ugh. At about this time, Jif walked and after we both decided that the weather was stupid, we parted ways and I headed to the gym instead.
We'll try again tomorrow..
During all the rain/ run/ gym talk there was a husband who had come home early from work due to not feeling so well. And like most (all?) men, he definitely needed some TLC. His one last wish??
Macaroni & Cheese with hot dogs.. box-style...
Done and done.
A few roasted carrots on the side to sweeten the deal.
And now, a movie with my two lovies.
Friday Favorites
Hip Hip Horrraaaaay for Friday! This weekend is going to be one of my very favorites, I can just tell. After a sore neck and a weird couple of weeks, I'm looking forward to working out, catching up on sleep and Sunday Funday! This Sunday Funday will most likely consist of running, shopping for Vegas (!!!!!!!!) and sipping on a cocktail or two (no beer for me - sad.)
But enough about me... here are the Friday Faves
1. Something Borrowed (& Something Blue!)
Before being discontinued, my favorite moisturizer was a rich lotion by Sephora. It was fragrance free, a must for this sensitive face, and it kept me feeling hydrated throughout the day. Sadly one day, about 6 months ago, I learned that they had discontinued they're whole line. It was sad. I tried a few other, more expensive brands, but they all either didn't hydrate enough, caused redness, or made me break out.
Then, last time I was in Sephora the cashier plopped a few samples of a new lotion into my bag. I returned home to see that it was very reminiscent of the pink-lettered lotion I used to love. Turns out they only pulled their line so they could re-vamp it, making it better than ever!
Yesterday, I was so excited to see a little package in the mail. 1. because I had actually remembered to PLACE THE ORDER.. and 2. because not only do I have my favorite lotion back, but I'm also trying out their mask/exfoliator. I've only used it once, but so far, so good. I love that it's a-okay for sensitive skin - i.e. - not too rough, and that it leaves my skin feeling moisturized, not stripped. Here's hoping for a long & beautiful relationship this time around!
5. The Vita Mix
But enough about me... here are the Friday Faves
1. Something Borrowed (& Something Blue!)
For those gals out there who have not had the pleasure of reading Emily Giffin, let me just tell you; you are missingg out. Big time. She is my very favorite author. I don't care if it is Chick Lit - it's darn good writing.
My favorite novels of hers are Something Borrowed and Something Blue. They are so genius; both stories taking place at the same time - but different points of view. So good.
Did I just read this book? no. Did it just come out?? no. So why is it in my favorites list now??
Well, it's becoming a movie!!!!!!!
Thanks to my dear friend Cass, I am now in the know and I, for one can not wait. Most people I know scoff at books - turned - movies. "Blech, it just didn't have the detail of the novel," or "I can't believe they cast her to play that part - so wrong!"
Yeah... I don't think that way. I am not that critical. I love books and I love movies. I don't need the adaption to be perfect or have every detail. I only ask to be entertained... and with the cast line-up I am 100% positive that I will be. Cass is doubting it, but I happen to think they chose perfectly!
add to the picture above Josh Krasinski... um yes please. I haven't seen him in anything that I don't like.
Anyways.. if you haven't read the books, do so. That way we can all have Sunday Funday at the movies soon!
2. Gray Betsey Pumps
I am a silly girl. I found these shoes the other day (on sale!) to go with my Vegas dress and knew immediately that they were perfection. Dark gray - check. Rouching - check. Comfort - well they don't look bad...
I was so excited and proud of myself that I quickly placed them in my Nordstrom Online Shopping Cart and kept browsing for other good finds.. I mean when you're on a roll, you're on a roll - it cannot be broken.
Days after ordering I started to get super excited. Then another day passed and I grew anxious to receive my perfect package. Then another day, and another. Where were these damn shoes?! This was not like Nordstrom to disappoint me, I thought. What could have happened??
After waiting over two weeks, I had finally had it.. I jumped back on to my account and started swearing at myself. There they were, sitting pretty in my shopping cart. In the midst of patting myself on the back and
bargain hunting, I had forgotten to actually BUY them!!! The worst part? There is now no more gray 7.5 available.
Some days I'm in awe of my bargain shop skills - other days I am in awe of my ineptitude.
If anyone happens upon these little cuties on another site please let a sista know! My Vegas dress will not be the same without them :(
3. & 4. New Sephora Collection Skin Care
Then, last time I was in Sephora the cashier plopped a few samples of a new lotion into my bag. I returned home to see that it was very reminiscent of the pink-lettered lotion I used to love. Turns out they only pulled their line so they could re-vamp it, making it better than ever!
Yesterday, I was so excited to see a little package in the mail. 1. because I had actually remembered to PLACE THE ORDER.. and 2. because not only do I have my favorite lotion back, but I'm also trying out their mask/exfoliator. I've only used it once, but so far, so good. I love that it's a-okay for sensitive skin - i.e. - not too rough, and that it leaves my skin feeling moisturized, not stripped. Here's hoping for a long & beautiful relationship this time around!
5. The Vita Mix
Best Blender In The World - nuff said.
wish-list worthy for sure.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Food, Flowers & Bridal Showers Part 2
Janae's Bridal Shower!
This past Saturday morning brought a group of amazing women together, gathered to celebrate one of our own....

The morning started off as most Saturday mornings should.... with Bellini's!

Monday, March 21, 2011
Food, Flowers & Bridal Showers
Although I am quite impressed with myself for the rhyme I created with the title above, I'm sorry to admit that this post will fall short. After two hours of editing photos, I am only halfway through and my eyelids are threatening closure.
This being said, I am determined to make use of my clever rhyme, so fun weekend part 1 it is. Starting from the last half- Sunday. Why? Because in a moment that I, at the time, recognized as genius, decided to start editing with the photos that would end up last on my post.. it is just too annoying for me to organize them after they've been uploaded.
I digress..
Short story: I am tired - cannot write full post right now - will give you Saturday evening & Sunday - Saturday morning to come later.
Let me first just tell you how amazing Saturday's weather was. Super duper sunny and not a gust of wind - my favorite! After a fun bridal shower in the morning, I cleaned up and hopped on the road to Bellingham.
First up - Dinner with Dad & Brian

Dad's Beet Ravioli
This being said, I am determined to make use of my clever rhyme, so fun weekend part 1 it is. Starting from the last half- Sunday. Why? Because in a moment that I, at the time, recognized as genius, decided to start editing with the photos that would end up last on my post.. it is just too annoying for me to organize them after they've been uploaded.
I digress..
Short story: I am tired - cannot write full post right now - will give you Saturday evening & Sunday - Saturday morning to come later.
Let me first just tell you how amazing Saturday's weather was. Super duper sunny and not a gust of wind - my favorite! After a fun bridal shower in the morning, I cleaned up and hopped on the road to Bellingham.
First up - Dinner with Dad & Brian


From what the guys told me, my salad was probably the best part of our meal. Both said their pastas were bland and boring. My salad was great though! I love it when restaurants do dressing perfectly and it definitely was :)
Next up: See Dad's new condo.
Next up: See Dad's new condo.
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